Midwest Leadership Institute Registration Now Open

Attend the Midwest Leadership Institute and discover who you are as a leader, and learn to better manage yourself and others in the changing environment of local government and the stressful situations that can arise. Join MLI’s cross-disciplinary team of leading local government practitioners and experts for a 4.5 days of internal self-focus and external organizational focus, lectures, exercises, team discussions, and team presentations.

When: April 29 – May 3, 2019
Where: Northern Illinois University, Naperville, IL Campus
Capacity: Space is limited to 40 participants
Cost: $2299 (includes course materials, daily continental breakfast and lunch for four days.) Multiple registrant discounts are available.

Who Should Attend
Local government professionals including chief administrative officers, assistants, and department heads interested in advancing their career who would like to:

  • Thrive in an increasingly complex world with multiple personalities, competing self- interests, questionable ethics and the prominence of the information age.
  • Function in a complex world with challenges facing local government professionals that can make leaders feel like the healthiest person in the emergency room.
  • Implement sound judgment, an important concept of the Institute, which will help guard against blind pathology and acting without the proper analysis.

For logistics: contact Dawn Peters at dpeters@niu.edu or call 815-753-0923.
For program information: contact: David Limardi at dmlimardi@gmail.com or Bob Kiely at rrkiely@comcast.net or visit the website


View the Midwest Leadership Institute flier here.