Passing the Lantern in Oregon

By Spencer R. Nebel

Two former members of the Michigan Municipal Executives handed off the Oregon City/County Management Association’s (OCCMA) President’s Lantern at the OCCMA Summer Conference in Bend, Oregon. Newport, Oregon City Manager Spencer Nebel, former City Manager in Sault Ste. Marie and Past President of MME (formally MLGMA) served as President of OCCMA in 2020. Salem, Oregon City Manager Steve Powers, former City Administrator of Ann Arbor, is currently serving as President of OCCMA. A peaceful transition of power occurred.

On October 2-6, OCCMA will be hosting the 107th ICMA Annual Conference in Portland Oregon. Steve and Spencer invite our former MME colleagues to Portland for the first in-person ICMA Conference since the emergence of COVID.

Spencer R. Nebel is the former city manager in Sault Ste. Marie and past president of the Michigan Municipal executives.