Scholarship Recipient’s View of MME Summer Workshop

By Julia Sturvist

The MME Summer Workshop was the first local government conference I have had the pleasure of attending. As I was reading over the agenda before I made the trip up to beautiful Charlevoix, Michigan, I was incredibly pleased with the sessions offered and the array of topics that I was going to learn about. The sessions I found incredibly interesting include: “Taking the Pulse of Downtown: Diagnosis and Treatment,”  “Ethics Matter!.” “Is Your Organization Ready? Succession Planning for Local Government!” and “When the National Spotlight Shines on Main Street.” The speakers during these sessions really made the time impactful and I loved learning more about local government as an intern moving into the field. The “Ethics Matter!” session was particularly informative because it taught the ethics of local government through the personal experiences of two individuals. This kept me engaged and feeling like I learned a lot through the actions of other government officials.

The aspect of the conference that I found the most beneficial, however, was the networking that took place throughout the three days. I met so many wonderful people who were eager to speak with me about the field and wanted to remain a resource for me throughout my professional journey.

Attending this conference was a great step in the right direction for my career in local government. However, I could not have gone without being awarded a scholarship from MME. I am so thankful to this organization for providing me with the resources to attend such an incredible workshop! I am excited to utilize my new knowledge and continue to attend conferences like this throughout my professional journey.


Julia Sturvist
Intern & Code Enforcement Officer
Village of Sparta, MI