Sharing is Caring

By Frank Walsh

Your Member Success Committee has been hard at work over the past month focusing on supporting managers-in-transition and how to further spotlight the success of our Michigan leaders. We are partnering with the Senior Advisors Group to support managers across the state. If you wish to contact our senior advisors, please refer to the MME website. Mark Wollenweber, Gregg Guetschow, Ed Koryzno, and Ray Anderson are here to assist you.

While much of our work of the Member Success Committee has focused on members in transition, we have also developed a new program to highlight our members’ expertise and creativity. The Sharing is Caring program will feature monthly success stories from the Mitten State. The goal is to provide a process for managers to share their expertise with MME colleagues. In the coming weeks, we will share the details of the program with you and hope you will be an active participant in sharing your expertise and creativity.

With all the challenges in the world today, the Member Success Committee is focused on spreading positivity throughout our organization.

Frank Walsh
Chair, Member Success Committee
Manager, Meridian Charter Township

At the age of 19, Frank Walsh was elected as a trustee of Henrietta Township. After six years in public office, Frank went on to pursue a career in municipal management. The Cedar Springs City Council appointed Frank as their city manager in 1991. He was then hired by the St. Joseph City Commission in 1996 and served the residents of St. Joseph for 17 years. In 2007, Walsh was awarded the State of Michigan’s City Manager Award, the highest award given in municipal management. He became the Meridian Township manager in 2013. Over his decade of service, the township has established a new 10-year local road program, greatly improved maintenance of its facilities and assets, fully funded the township OPEB system, established a plan to fully fund its pension system, and nearly tripled its fund balance. He has also led the township through numerous challenges, including the 2013 ice storm that left thousands without power for many days. He has a master’s degree in public administration from the University of Toledo and a bachelor’s of science degree from Grand Valley State University. Volunteerism Member and former president of the Haslett-Okemos Rotary Club, Walsh lives in Meridian Township (Okemos) with his wife, Shar. They recently celebrated their 30th anniversary and raised three children together: Casey, Mersadie, and Brooke.