Support When You Need It

By Michael Cain

Being a professional manager, no matter what the title, is never easy. These days that seems truer than ever. Know that your fellow members and association are there for you. We’ve seen it time and time again on our listserv and in direct contacts.

Longtime Manager Mark Wollenweber heads up our Senior Advisor service conducted in conjunction with the ICMA. They are there for you if you have a question or issue you want to discuss with an experienced peer in a confidential manner. No matter what the topic is if you want to talk to someone our Senior Advisor program is a great place to start. Mark can be reached at Mark’s cell is 313-304-2842 and his landline is 810-327-6120.

Former Manager Edward Koryzno has agreed to join Mark as a Senior Advisor. More on that later. If you are interested in joining Mark and Ed as Senior Advisors please contact Mark or me for more information.

If you think you are heading towards transition, end up in it or hear of another member dealing with such issues know that the MME has a full host of specific support services for this as well. Written guides, legal support and counseling for you and your partner are available. Many of us have been there also and can vouch to the value of these services. And again, all such contacts are handled in a confidential manner.

So, if you or someone you know may benefit from these member support services, just reach out to Mark or Martin (Marty) Colburn, Member Services committee Chairperson, you’ll be glad you did!