UPDATED: New Member Review Process

By James Wickman

MME has continued to take proactive steps to protect the professionalism and ethics of our members and their communities. Significant procedures were put into place over the last two years to more thoroughly review applicants for new membership. The new process is focused on making sure that candidates for full membership are committed to the ICMA Code of Ethics and meet the job responsibility requirements. These principles will help sustain the ethical legacy of our profession, and you play an important role in the process.

The membership application was updated to address these factors. New member candidates must sign a statement agreeing to abide by the ICMA Code of Ethics and the procedures for enforcement. The applicant must also affirm six statements about their job responsibilities. ICMA established these criteria to determine whether the chief administrative officer (CAO) has the level of independence, authority, and responsibility necessary to function in a professional manner. You can read more about these factors by following this link.

A link to the list of new members is then published in the next MME E-Newsletter. You are encouraged to review those names and reach out to them as a welcome to the group. If you are aware of any reason why a candidate may not meet the job requirements or may be in violation of the ICMA Code of Ethics, you must file a written objection within 60 days. The Ethics Committee will then review the application. This process also mirrors the ICMA procedures of which you may be familiar.

I am grateful to the many people who have contributed to making this important process appropriately relevant and more efficient.  Most of all, I am thankful for our fellow members who work hard to protect the integrity of our profession every day.

James Wickman
Chair MME Ethics Committee; Township Manager, Hartland Township

James Wickman has been the Hartland Township Manager since 2007, and was previously Village Manager of Mayville. He started his professional career as a police officer with Pittsfield Township. You may reach him at 810-632-7498 or jwickman@hartlandtwp.com.