Updates from the NextGen Committee

By Justin Breyer

I would like to share some updates on a few ongoing NextGen Committee projects, along with a Call for Project Proposals from the University of Michigan’s Ford School. Please keep an eye out for notices and communication from the committee on this and other committee projects. As always, if you have any questions about the MME NextGen Committee or any projects that the committee is undertaking, please do not hesitate to contact me at Jbreyer@dextermi.gov or at 734-580-2234.

Internship Listing
Thank you to everyone who responded to the NextGen Committee’s call for updates to the MME internship listing. The updates have been made and posted to the MME website. The committee anticipates another round of updates in early 2021. The committee will be advertising this list and sharing it with universities across the state. Please feel free to share this list with anyone that you feel may be interested.

MME Fellowship Program
I would also like to thank those communities that submitted applications to serve as host communities for the 2020-2021 MME Fellowship Program. As of the June 15 deadline, the committee had received applications from four students aspiring to be fellows, and from seven communities interested in serving as hosts. The committee is now in the process of conducting interviews for the student applicants, and we will be working to make the best possible matches with host communities in the next few weeks.

Fellows will serve in their host community for a one-year term starting in July. This program requires a financial contribution from the host community of $6,000. The MME and partnering university will continue to contribute $3,000 each for a total amount of $12,000 to be paid to the fellow for their year of service. Please watch for another Call for Applications for the Fellowship Program next year.

University of Michigan’s COVID-19 Consulting Corps (CCC)
The University of Michigan’s Ford School of Public Policy wanted to make our membership aware of their recently launched COVID-19 Consulting Corps (CCC) Internship Program. This program is intended to be a resource for local governments and nonprofits, wherein master’s students and recent graduates assist with a variety of short-term projects, such as landscape analyses of federal/state support programs, policy memos, resource summaries, data analysis, survey administration, and other related tasks. Projects are submitted to the program for review and consideration. They are prioritizing short-term projects that can be turned around in a few weeks. The program lasts through mid-August. Those interested can submit project ideas here and a U of M staff member will be in touch.

Questions should be submitted to Jeremy Guardiola,project manager, at jeremyag@umich.edu.

Justin Breyer
Chair, NextGen Committee
City Clerk and Assistant to the City Manager, Dexter